When “Pantsing” Isn’t “Flying by the Seat of Your Pants.”

After reading this article by Lauren Sapala, I have a better understanding about why plotting, or outlining, a novel has never worked for me. And yet, I’ve published four books in a series that have gotten good reviews, and I’m working on three more in a second series, all without getting mired in a plotless mess. I know some fantastic authors who outline their plots and write wonderful books, and I’ve sometimes wished I could write that way. Now I know why I write the way I do.

Are you a writer? How are you wired?

Welcome to Day 7 of  Shirley Harris-Slaughter’s “MOTHER’S DAY AND OTHER FAVORITE THINGS” Blog Tour! @sharrislaughter @4WillsPub @4WP11 @RRBC_Org #RRBC #4WillsPub.

I am so pleased to introduce you to Shirley Harris-Slaughter, the author of Joyce Winifred Harris-Burkes: How I Remember My Mama. Today is Day 7 of her “Mother’s Day and Other Favorite Things” blog tour.


(2) $5 Amazon Gift Cards

(5) Tickets into RRBC’s WC&BE Raffle for (7) $100 Amazon Gift Card Gift Baskets 

Please leave the author a comment below for your chance to win one of these awesome prizes!

Welcome, Shirley! Let’s get right into reading your post for today…

I had to produce a sample piece for a writing class and this post is it. I had a problem with keeping the past, present and future tense in its proper place. This sample is supposed to address those problems, but I wonder …

A Writing Sample – Past Tense, Fiction

Mom is sitting on the couch rubbing her stomach constantly, feeling miserable. The doctor said, “You are carrying twins!” 

I am really feeling her pain. “OMG! We’re expecting twins! Mom, is there something I can do to make you feel better?” 

“No darling. There is nothing anybody can do. We must wait until they get here.” Mom said. I am seven years old, and this day will forever be etched in my memory. Even now I can feel her as if the pain is mine. 

Mom couldn’t do housework anymore, so dad brought in a relative (Mama Anita) to stay with us. I was forced to share my bed with this obese woman. Because of her size, I wound up on the floor more than once. She got on her knees to pray every night before going to bed. Boy, did she preach up a storm. At least 15 minutes. I lay still, watching her, and wishing I could be somewhere else. 

She had her hair braided and her drab clothes hung on her because of her size. She wore heavy duty black shoes. Her persona was easygoing. I could not see what she did for us because our hair is not kept up, and our clothes are wrinkled. I remember getting teased at school about it. She didn’t take care of us the way mom did, and it became so evident. Things changed right before my eyes, and the twins were not even here yet.


The identical twin boys were born on October 30, 1963. It was the day before Halloween and life was never the same. It forced me to grow up fast. There they were in two baskets with handles for carrying. I still remember the cries because the sound was so unique. The incessant crying. Over time, I grew concerned about it because it didn’t seem normal. They cried all the time. It was like something was frightening them. One night the crying didn’t stop, and mom ran into the bedroom to find smoke billowing out of the room. A rag over the lightbulb hanging from the ceiling got too hot and caught fire. Mom placed it there so the glare wouldn’t disturb the babies. Dad and mom got the babies out quickly. The firefighters came but luckily there was no major damage, just a lot of smoke. I wondered if the smoke did any harm to them.

The twins were the talk of the town. They generated excitement everywhere my parents took them. They rode in a baby buggy built for two. I would describe it as all gray and very wide – enough room for two little ones. They were named Dwight Gregory (the right-handed twin), and Dwayne George (the left-handed twin). The first photo had the two of them lying face up for the shot. They looked like mirrors of each other. They were so perfect.

Mom needed a lot of help to handle and care for the babies. Dad regularly went to work and came home and that’s about it. He was not involved in the day-to-day activities of the newborns. Mama Anita takes her leave after a couple of months and I was glad to get my room back.  

Things kind of fell to me. I don’t remember if my sister would have been capable of helping much. She was only six years old at the time. My duty was to always keep the diaper pail clean and fresh. Mom taught me how to wash baby clothes and diapers in the washing machine. Hanging them out to dry was next, as we didn’t own a dryer. I used to love the smell of the diapers after the sun dried them out. Only wealthy people had driers alone with color TV sets, and cars. 

Cooking is another chore I learned how to do out of necessity, starting with breakfast. This is my life now. Getting up, eating breakfast, running out to play is now a thing of the past. I long for those carefree days again.

My new rule. I’m never going to have kids when I grow up.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the new additions to our family. It was just so much work to do because mom was still trying to recover from the whole ordeal. I know she is glad to be rid of the load because she was huge while pregnant, and in so much pain. 

Mom yells, “Leslie Lee, come here.” I shout back, “Coming!” “I want you to sit next to me while I try to pump the milk from my breast. The babies won’t breastfeed. We’re going to have to make up formulas.” My eyes were popping out of my head as I watched her trying her best to produce the milk, but enough of it was not coming, so she experienced a lot of pain. I remember her telling me once that we (my siblings and I) would not take her milk either. We rejected it too. I always thought that was so strange because babies need that first healthy start in life.

I would really appreciate your feedback on this writing sample. 

Please leave a comment below and thank you so much for visiting my blog stops. 


Mama could tell a joke. Next thing you know, you are rolling on the floor from one of them. She loved to play the lottery and religiously purchased tickets every chance she got. If you fail to buy her tickets when she asks you, she will tell you that was the winning number … “If you had done what I asked, I would have won.” It was classic!

She was just as passionate about her faith and could quote passages from the bible all day long, which she did. She was a good mother and made huge sacrifices for her children.

She was the woman who wanted to be an actress but never got the chance. She was the woman who worked at a naval air base in Alameda County, California, screwing rivets in wings of airplanes. They were called “Rosie the Riveter” during World War II.

She was the constant in our lives.

This is how I remember my mama!


Shirley Harris-Slaughter is the author of Our Lady of Victory, the Saga of an African-American Catholic Community which was written to address a need to preserve Catholic history in her local community. She mentored four freshman girls at the local middle school in the Winning Futures Mentor Program. She is active in her church and Rave Reviews Book Club a virtual book club community where she has added another biography and fiction to her repertoire. She is married to Langston and is a Michigan Native.

And now, Slaughter has written a memoir about her mother, Joyce Winifred Harris-Burkes: How I Remember My Mama. It talks about memories regarding her life, and her works. The theme is about how the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. Slaughter is an activist just like her mother.


Twitter:  @sharrislaughter

Facebook:  Shirley Slaughter

Amazon Author Central Page


Shirley Harris-Slaughter

Remember Our Lady of Victory


Joyce Winifred Harris-Burkes: HOW I REMEMBER MY MAMA

Our Lady of Victory, the Saga of an African-American Catholic Community

Ronald L. Powell: Missing in Action

Crazy! Hot! And Living On The Edge!!

Newspaper Chronicles

A CITIZEN’S GROUP IN ACTION: Saving a Train Station

To follow along with the rest of the tour, please visit the author’s tour page on the 4WillsPublishing site. If you’d like to schedule your own blog tour and have your book promoted in similar grand fashion, please click HEREThanks for supporting this author and her work!

Be sure to leave Shirley a comment below for a chance to win an awesome prize!

#RWISA “RISE-UP” Tour, Day 1, PTL Perrin @ptlperrin, @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA #RRBC

Was there something your mom did that you’ll never forget? Our mother was an unforgettable character. This is the time she delivered a sermon at church that no one expected and no one understood a word of! Enjoy the story and leave a comment on the RWISA page for a chance to win a bundle of ebooks along with an Amazon gift card!




by PTL Perrin

After Mom left Spain and moved to Naples, Florida, she and my sister Margie would sometimes visit Bill and me on the Atlantic coast of our state. They both enjoyed coming to church with us, and our church family loved them. We believe the gifts of the Spirit the Bible talks about are as alive and vital today as they were in the early church. The Holy Spirit is in us when we become Christians, but there’s an additional empowerment available for us as described in the book of Acts, chapter two.

As our pastor says, “We’re Spirit-filled, Charismatic, Bible believing, tongue-talking, Pentecostal Christians.” So, what happened to Mom one Sunday came as no surprise to anyone. The delivery was unusual, but so typically Mom.

After our worship music, Pastor singled Mom out and called her up for prayer. In her mid-seventies…

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Are You Critical of Others? @NonnieJules @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA @4WillsPub @4WP11 #RRBC #RWISA

Someone, probably my Mom, once told me that when you point your finger at someone in criticism, you’re pointing three fingers back at yourself. I believe most of us like to think we aren’t critical of others, but is that true? Nonnie Jules, who is as honest with herself as she is with others, shares our common flaw, and gives us a great tool to rid ourselves of it! I’ve copied it and plan to use it daily. Read on…

Watch Nonnie Write!

I woke up this morning with a question in my head. Nonnie, are you critical of others? Now, don’t confuse this with being honest in a book review, please. (You all knew I would clarify that, right?) What I was asking myself was, do I find that I sit (or stand) in judgement of others? Because I posed this question to myself in my mirror, it was on my spirit that I share it with you and ask you the same question…

Do you find that you sit (or stand) in judgement of others? Do you find that you do it often?

Do you find yourself in a restaurant looking at someone who might have a few extra pounds on them, wondering why they are returning to the buffet table for a third time? Or, do you wonder why they are at a buffet in the first place?

Do you…

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The manuscript is finished and you’ve decided to Indie publish. So what do you do next? My friend, published Author D.L. Finn, has a handy checklist for you…

Story Empire

Hi SEers! Denise here to talk about an exciting and stressful time, getting a book ready for release.

After you receive your book back from beta readers, if you do that, made your final revisions, and checked it over just one more time—it’s ready to go to your editor. An editor is the one step I recommend you never skip. Even though there are many programs to run it through, they still miss things.

What should you do while you wait for your book to be edited? Here are a few suggestions.


  • If you have not done so, now is the time to create a cover or have it done.
  • Do you have a blurb?
  • Want to do a preorder? You can once you have a cover, blurb, and doable date for release. Here are a few place you can get started: Kindle Publishing (Amazon), Smashwords, or IngramSparks

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You’re #TraditionallyPublished? But Why Do I Need To Know That? @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA

Traditionally published or independently published? Does it matter? Author Nonnie Jules lays it out for us in this no-nonsense comparison. I know what I choose!

Watch Nonnie Write!

You all are begging me to write this post, aren’t you?  Yes, you really are!  If I see one more bio or tweet that says #TraditionallyPublishedAuthor, I am literally going to scream!

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What exactly does that mean anyway?  What are you trying to tell us?  Does that mean that your books are better than #IndiePublished books?

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Seriously?  Is that what you fell for?  Ha!  Well, they fooled you, honey, so please wipe that silly look off your face; and close your mouth.

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Here are the facts…

*They say that being traditionally published brings prestige.  Well, maybe 15-20 years ago it did. Listen, saying to me that you’re traditionally published, is going to get you the same reaction as one of those Sunday-only Christians telling me they live in church all week.  (FYI, I watch my purse closer in church than I would if I frequented a smoke-filled bar 5…

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D.L. Finn’s #newrelease A VOICE IN THE SILENCE

Do you love animals? D.L. Finn’s new release has some exceptional animals you’ll fall in love with! Add some paranormal, a sprinkling of scifi, and a compelling mystery, and …. See for yourself!

Staci Troilo

Ciao, amici! Today I’m happy to invite friend, fellow author, and Story Empire colleague D.L. Finn back to my blog. I trust most of you are familiar with her and her work. For those of you who aren’t, you’ll find her down-to-earth nature and whimsical imagination impossible to resist. Today, she’s here to discuss her latest release, A Voice in the Silence. Please join me in giving her a warm welcome.

Thank you for having me on your amazing blog, Staci, to share the release of “A Voice in the Silence.”

A Voice in the Silence

Unusual stray animals... 
Her husband's best friend... 
A set of footprints in the snow... 
Can Drea and her loved ones survive the danger that surrounds them? 
When nothing is what it seems... except survival.

D.L. Finn's new cozy paranormal release.

A dog, cat, and rat are characters in A Voice in the Silence and are based on my pets. Our family has been blessed with many amazing dogs. Our first pup Butch, a collie-mix, went everywhere with us and loved to play hide and seek with my husband. He didn’t have a mean bone in his body. Cher…

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MKTG #15 – Paid Book Blog Tours

Authors, do you need more exposure for your books? Jan Sikes explores this method, but also gives us links to more of her informative marketing posts. This is a MUST READ!

Story Empire

Hello, SE’ers! It’s Jan again. My last marketing post about doing book blog tours raised a universal question. Since we tend to pretty much follow the same bloggers, how do we widen our circle and gain new readers?

Courtesy Pixabay

In response to the question, the most effective answer seemed to be paid blog tours. Let me make a disclaimer here. I have not actually tried any of the tours I’m going to share with you today. But that’s not to say with the next release I won’t try some of them. I do think it’s a great way to find new readers and new followers.

I gathered this list of services from other authors whom I know and trust their experience and opinions.

Each promotion has specific guidelines so just check them out thoroughly before you choose one.

Goddess Fish Promotions has successfully coordinated more than 3600 tours in…

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A Cheat Sheet on Body Language for Writers

How many ways can you describe a character’s emotions? John Howell shares a handy cheat sheet for writers in this informative post. I know I’ll be using it! Thanks, John!

Story Empire

Pixabay image

Hi SEers. John with you today.

As a wrap-up to the subject of gestures (or beats) to convey non-verbal communication, I found a great cheat sheet for writers on body language. The cheat sheet is below the text and was developed by ArchetypeWriting.com.

The cheat sheet can be used in developing characterizations beyond having to explain just how your character is feeling. I hope you find this cheat sheet useful and perhaps dig deeper into the subject of body language.


I became more confident in using beats to convey my character’s emotions in looking into this subject. However, I got a comment from a beta reader on my next book that maybe I went a little too overboard on the beats. There is always a warning on using any of the writing tools. The writer should use moderation with all of them.

How about you? Let us hear…

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I don’t know about you, but I often misplace commas when I write. My friend and fellow author Denise has some great advice about how to figure it out. Did I need a comma in that sentence? Hmmm.

Story Empire

Hi SEers! Denise here to talk about one of the grammatical things that give me trouble, commas!

Definition of comma
the sign (,), a mark of punctuation used for indicating a division in a sentence, as in setting off a word, phrase, or clause, especially when such a division is accompanied by a slight pause or is to be noted in order to give order to the sequential elements of the sentence. It is also used to separate items in a list, to mark off thousands in numerals, to separate types or levels of information in bibliographic and other data, and, in Europe, as a decimal point…

The comma has many uses, which added to my confusion. A teacher once told my English class, way back in the 1970s, to put the comma in the sentence where you naturally pause when speaking. That never worked for me. I…

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