Have you ever wondered where the ideas for stories come from? D.L. Finn has unlocked and revealed the secrets to finding ideas. If you write, then this might be a great resource for you!

Story Empire

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Hi SEers! Denise here to talk about where ideas for stories come from and how to find them. Here’s the definition of idea.


any conception existing in the mind as a result of mental understanding, awareness, or activity.

a thought, conception, or notion: That is an excellent idea.

an impression: He gave me a general idea of how he plans to run the department.

an opinion, view, or belief: His ideas on raising children are certainly strange.

a plan of action; an intention: the idea of becoming an engineer.

a groundless supposition;fantasy.”—dictionary.com

Courtesy of Canva

Where do some well-known authors believe their “thought, conception, or notion” originates from to create a story?

I get my ideas from everywhere. But what all of my ideas boil down to is seeing maybe one thing, but in a lot of cases it’s seeing two things and having them…

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